Water Purifier

A Comprehensive Guide to Water Quality

PUBLISHED ON: 28-Mar-2024


Water is one of the most essential requirements for life and understanding its quality is paramount to safeguarding your health and well-being. Despite appearances, can you be certain that the water you are drinking meets the necessary standards? No, right.

In this blog, you will learn more about water quality, the variables that affect it, the critical testing parameters, and the importance of following drinking water standards.


Understanding Water Quality and Common Water Quality Parameters

The term water quality describes the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water. The assessment of water quality involves the analysis of chemical, physical, and biological parameters that collectively determine its purity.


1. Chemical Parameters

Chemical parameters like pH level and hardness of water and levels of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and other chemicals are measured to determine the quality of water.


2. Physical Parameters

Physical parameters like temperature, colour, taste, odour, turbidity, and dissolved solids of water are tested to determine its quality. So, if the amount of dissolved solids is more than the desired levels it means the water is unfit for human consumption.


3. Biological Parameters

Biological contaminants like bacteria, algae, viruses, and protozoa are measured to determine the quality of water.


Frequent testing of these parameters enables you to take control over the water quality, moreover, drink water that’s pure, safe, and healthy.


What is the Importance of Regular Testing?

As water quality varies according to location, industrial activity, and natural factors, regular testing is essential for ensuring that water treatment processes are tailored to local conditions. Moreover, regular testing of water allows for the detection of bacterial and viral contamination or changes in chemical and physical parameters, allowing for prompt essential actions.


What are the Effects of Poor Water Quality on Human Health?

1. Waterborne Diseases

Poor water quality is a primary source of waterborne diseases. Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites present in polluted water can lead to illnesses like cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and gastroenteritis.1


2. Gastrointestinal Issues

Low-quality water may contain biological contaminants including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and parasites. When ingested, these contaminants may cause diarrhoea, viral fever, pneumonia, or cholera.


3. Parasitic Diseases

Different infectious agents and parasites that can lead to skin infections, eye infections, or parasitic diseases like schistosomiasis can be found in poor-quality water.2


4. Chemical Contaminating Problems

Health problems like abdominal pain or skin discolouration can result from exposure to dangerous substances in water, such as industrial pollutants or heavy metals (lead, arsenic, and mercury).


5. Respiratory Problems

Inhaling or coming into contact with waterborne pollutants can contribute to respiratory issues.3


Preventive Measures Against Poor-Quality Water

Taking preventive measures against poor-quality water involves a combination of proactive actions at various levels. One of the most prominent ways to deal with poor water quality is with the help of water purifiers. Here's how water purifiers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of your drinking water:


  1. Water purifiers have advanced purification technologies like Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultraviolet (UV), and Ultra Filtration (UF) that remove a wide range of contaminants. While RO removes bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms, UV disinfects the water, delivering water that is pure and safe as boiled water, and UF removes viral and bacterial contamination.


  2. Water purifiers can also treat water from any water source. For instance, RO and UV water purifiers from Aquaguard can treat water from public sources, borewells, and tankers, making them a valuable addition to your home. Moreover, RO water purifiers from Aquaguard can remove TDS of up to 2000 mg/l, delivering pure and clean water.


  3. Water purifiers come with multi-stage purification, which ensures that the water is treated in different ways. For instance, Aquaguard Marvel NXT RO+UV+MTDS+Alkaline Water Purifier comes with a six-stage purification process along with an Alkaline Cartridge that balances the pH level of water, which helps neutralise the acidic condition in your body.


It’s important to test your water before purchasing a water purifier. It allows you to pick a water purifier based on your water source. You can use Aquaguard’s free virtual test tool to determine the quality of your water. Click here to know more about the tool.


Water Purification System for Your Home

1. Aquaguard Marvel NXT RO+UV+MTDS+Alkaline+SS Water Purifier

This water purifier comes with a six-stage purification that treats your water in different ways. I-Filter removes fine suspended particles such as dust, dirt, mud, and sand from water. Chemi-Block reduces excess chlorine and organic impurities in the water while absorbing bad taste and odour. RO Membrane reduces TDS, hardness, pesticides, and heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury. Moreover, the RO membrane also eliminates microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and cysts. UV E-boiling disinfects the water by eliminating waterborne disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, thereby, making it safe to drink. Alkaline cartridges instantly increase the pH and make water alkaline. TDS Regulator adjusts the TDS of purified water to provide healthy water always.


This water purifier also has a stainless steel tank made of a high-grade 304 stainless tank that is corrosion-free, tough, and durable.


2. Aquaguard Marvel NXT UV+UF+SS Water Purifier

This water purifier is designed to ensure the purity of your drinking water. Equipped with advanced UV and UF purification technologies, this purifier effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms, bacteria, and impurities from your water, providing you with clean and safe drinking water. The stainless steel in-built water storage tank in the water purifier adds durability and a sleek appearance to the appliance. It comes with Active Copper Booster Technology which infuses an adequate amount of copper ions into your water. Its innovative features and reliable performance are a testament to delivering high-quality water purification solutions for a healthier lifestyle.


3. Aquaguard Vector RO+UV+MTDS Water Purifier

This water purifier is a cutting-edge solution that combines multiple purification technologies to ensure the highest quality of drinking water. With the integration of Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Ultraviolet (UV) purification, along with the convenience of MTDS, this purifier effectively removes impurities, dissolved salts, and harmful microorganisms from your water. It provides a comprehensive approach to water purification, addressing various contaminants to deliver safe and clean drinking water.



In conclusion, the effects of poor water quality on human health are substantial, ranging from waterborne diseases and gastrointestinal issues to respiratory problems and long-term health impacts.


Choosing an Aquaguard water purifier tailored to your specific needs and the water quality of your source is a proactive step towards ensuring clean and healthy drinking water. Invest in a reliable water purification system to safeguard the well-being of yourself and your loved ones.




  1. News-Medical.net. (n.d.). Water-Borne Diseases. Retrieved from https://www.news-medical.net/health/Water-Borne-Diseases.aspx#:~:text=Water%2DBorne%20Diseases%20and%20their,infections%2C%20to%20name%20a%20few./ Accessed on 20/03/2024
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Schistosomiasis. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/schistosomiasis/index.html#:~:text=The%20parasites%20that%20cause%20schistosomiasis,in%20contact%20with%20contaminated%20freshwater/ Accessed on 20/03/2024
  3. Santos, P., Arbex, M. A., Ferreira Braga, A. L., Mizutani, R. F., Delfini Cançado, J. E., Terra-Filho, M., & Chatkin, J. M. (2021). Environmental air pollution: Respiratory effects. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 47(1). https://doi.org/10.36416/1806-3756/e20200267/ Accessed on 20/03/2024



